Marianne: Episode 6
And so, all the night-tide,
I lie down by the side,
Of my darling, my life and my bride,
In her sepulcher there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea
-Edgar Allan Poe
Now: Episode 6 "Memories"
Taking place immediately of the events of the previous episode, Inspector Ronan is at the table with Emma and Sebastien listening intently as Ronan wants to explain that while he doesn't know exactly how to kill Marianne, here's the road so far (pardon the borrow Supernatural line).
He whips out Emma's first book, Lizzie in Chains there is an excerpt in Chapter 16 where a mother is drowning her child which just so happens to have an IRL connection when a mother after the book is released that a mother abandoned a car with her 3 year old son in it to drown in the waters. His name was Tom. In the next book, Marianne Bites Chapter 13 is described a bear possessed by Marianne mauling a cross country team IRL after the worldwide release was you guessed it a bear mauling a basketball boys team but with a sole survivor that swore the bear spoke. In the 3rd book, The Earth Howled, described a boy murdering his family. IRL Korea is when a boy also killed his family but claimed it was due to sleepwalking.
Lastly but certainly not least is when Emma wrote on her blog something about drowning 5 calves and hanging children which just so happened a few episodes ago but not exactly IRL since Emma was able to save them (you 'member, right?)
Emma feels extreme guilt as it comes to the conclusion that whatever she wrote in fact has a direct IRL connection. So she walks into the hallway and slumps on the floor. Ronan follows next and assures her was manipulated by Marianne and was no less power held then Mrs. Daugeron in her villainous phase. So, like, you know, whatever!
Sebastien comes last and suggest that Emma just writes on her blog that Marianne just...ya know, give Sebastien his baby back and kill off Marianne once and for all. BOOYAH!
So what does she do? She hops on the computer and types away. Ronan is hella skeptical and says that this is just way too easy since she is a witch and all.
While she is typing, the lights go out and the guys stop talking. Fuuuuuuuccckk. Both the guys look possessed and they snap their necks at them and their eyes start glowing. Ronan then lunges at her followed by Sebastien. A crow is on her laptop and pecks her eyes out.
SIKE it was just a dream.
She whips back up into consciousness to a confused Ronan and Sebastien. According to them Emma just face planted on the laptop for a a minute or two. That's all. Upon waking up, she asks Ronan shall they go his way of defeating Marianne, what would it entail? Doesn't matter so let's do it!
Sebastien wants to go but Emma says NEIN! Take care of that wifey and other non infant son that just hella tried to hang himself 2 episodes ago. k bye!
When Ronan and Marianne are ready to take off, they see a trio off in the distance. Awwww it's the shipwreck kids. Well the ones that are around at least. Sebastien, Aurore and Arnaud. Sebastien told them and now they all want to tag along because THE POWER OF F*R*I*E*N*D*S*H*I*P.
So yeah.
It's now a party of 5 (like...the show? remember that show? 90s kid things) They get to the school where it all began with the seance when they were wee little teenagers. They start setting up shop and getting shit ready for it to get crackin'! Cause you can tell that it is indeed going to be hella crackin'.
While they are setting up, Ronan explains that he will summon Marianne by like actual name. She totes will not like that. There is also a chance that she might even possess any one of them. That's why they got the priest's dog to trap her in. Holy fuck. Mr. Priest is not going to like that one bit.
Ronan is outside changing shirts when everyone sees Ronan sporting nice tats on his ripped body (WTF was he hiding all that for????) Aurore is like WOT?!? Because he literally has the ouija board letters and numbers tatted all across his back. All he can say was that...he was young so STFU.
With the dog on a leash not too far away and everything is fully set up the seance thingy begins!
Book graphic briefly as Chapter 11 "Seance"
Everyone is sitting on the floor holding hands and Ronan starts the summoning. Emma seems to be the only one to notice that the door behind him is slowly opening. Everyone else has their eyes closed and Aurore snaps at her to close her eyes. lol.
The incantation continues where Ronan beckons Marianne. Air is getting more and more tense and he commands for Marianne to speak.
She doesn't.
It doesn't seem to work and after some time of him repeating the incantation over and over he seems to give up. Everyone is like even more confused than when they first started. Sebastien is starting to lose his shit because he still has a baby that's missing. Poor guy. But yup they all decide to just sleep for the night.
Aurore takes the priest's dog and brings it to sleep elsewhere since Arnaud is being a scaredy cat.
Book graphic Chapter 12 "The Day Before Yesterday"
Yo, Camille, Emma's assistant is not to be forgotten! Over at the hospital is her and Emma's dad still recuperating. Dad is awake and conscious for the time being and sees a horrifying sight. He looks to his side and sees Camille staring creepily at him. Looks away and then back at Camille and she looks normal so yeah all s well.
Until it is so not. Because of the immediate implicating that over at the hospital was the same night Sebastien's son got taken. When he heard the baby's cry and Sebastien and nurse running over to the NICU, he looks over and sees CAMILLE IS GONE!!!!!!!
A few seconds later he hears a disturbance in the room and sees Camille in the dark corner of the room with her eyes glowing and looking scary as fuck and slowly walks back to her bed and reinserts the tube in her throat and resumes looking dead ass at him again.
However, the next day when the nurse is tending to his bedside, he sees Camille is out of her bed again and is slowly creeping up behind the nurse about to kill her...
And then Ronan did the incantation thingy....
This is when Camille AKA Marianne is being beckoned and leaves her body. Holy shit. The visual in this scene is like a million times scarier than Supernatural could even DREAM of being (no shade just being real).
Super creepy, huh? The incantation totally did work but the group has NO CLUE!
After the so-called failed attempt at the seance Arnaud and Aurore are in the car just the 2 of them and this is when Arnaud tries to asks if she has anything to say to him courtesy of Emma. Aurore starts freaking over and overthinking outloud. And talking fast. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was dropping bars for her Soundcloud. Anyway, in what was supposed to be a cute matchmaking moment turns out the complete opposite. It was real heartbreaking to watch.
Aurore excused herself to go water the dog. Except the dog is gone. Someone freed the dog but WHO?
Inside the building where Emma is sleeping nearby but Ronan is still awake when he notices of the temp light activates so he gets off his butt and follows to a bed cot but nah, it's just Sebastien sleeping, you goof!
He turns around and peers in the the black void that is in the closet where all of a sudden he hears Marianne's voice beckoning him. She says she's in his hand. But he's holding a mirror. He slowly picks up his hand and looks in the compact mirror and uses it to look around the room with the mirror until he gets to the door where it creaks and then sees MARIANNE!
This is when Arnaud and Aurore bust in the room which wakes up Emma and Sebastien. After they said the dog is missing and combined with what Ronan just experienced, he tells them that his seance incantantion thingy actually worked. The only problem is that is she is now walking among them. She is possessing one of them. But who? WHO????
Ronan whips out his gun and claims who know did it. Himself, you buffoon!
He saw himself free the dog. He is now she. And she is Marianne. Ronan takes the gun and shoots his brains out.